Our Beliefs
Underpinning our ethos is our belief and faith in the things contained in the Bible.
The name ‘Christadelphian’ means ‘brothers and sisters in Christ’. We have been known by this name for well over 100 years and there are Christadelphians in countries all over the world. Our aim is to live by faith in Jesus Christ, according to the teaching of his followers from the first century AD:

That God is all-powerful, all-knowing and the creator of the universe.

That Jesus Christ is His Son, whose death brought about the means to the fulfilment of God’s purpose on Earth.

That man is sinful and in need of salvation from God.

That baptism by complete immersion in water is necessary for salvation.

That believers should live a morally upstanding life before God, standing apart from the lax values of modern society.

That death is only a ‘sleep’ until the judgement day at the return of Jesus to the Earth.

That Jesus will return to the Earth to establish a Kingdom for His Father, of which we can be part of.