At every Christadelphian Care Home, we take pride in being able to offer care of the highest quality to all our residents, and we also ensure that we support every individual’s spiritual and wellbeing needs. Whilst most of our costs are met through care fees and charges for services, we also support our Brethren and Sisters who find they are unable to or no longer able to meet all the cost of their care. As such, prospective Christadelphian residents will not be turned away on financial grounds, nor will current Christadelphian residents be asked to leave because their funds have run out.
Whilst local authorities provide some financial support to those needing care without the means to pay for it, this never meets the full cost of the care at our homes. This creates a funding gap which when multiplied across all our homes becomes significant. Much of this gap is already funded thanks to the generosity and support of the Christadelphian community through a combination of individual donations, legacies and ecclesial support. However, the funding gap is growing despite our best endeavours and homes operating more efficiently than ever.
We therefore encourage you to please help us further with your financial support to help close this gap. Making a regular donation to Christadelphian Care Homes or considering leaving us a legacy in your will would make all the difference, and enable us continue to care for all our Brethren and Sisters regardless of their personal circumstances.