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CCH Image displaying an outside show of Gowanlea

Gowanlea Care Home and Apartments

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Life at Gowanlea | Stirling

Residential Care

This small, intimate home in Bannockburn, near Stirling, is within easy reach of the lovely Scottish countryside and offers residents as much independence and choice as possible. With just 11 bedrooms, thereโ€™s a real family atmosphere here, but residentsโ€™ rooms offer them all the privacy and space they need to get a bit of time to themselves.

Built in the grounds of Gowanlea Care Home, Gowanlea Apartments in Stirling offer independent living in a safe environment, with a bedroom, lounge, kitchen and bathroom. Residents of these two comfortable private apartments are invited to join in the social and spiritual activities of Gowanlea Care Home.
CCH Image showing an outside wide shot of Gowanlea

"I chose to come and live at Gowanlea because โ€˜Daisy Meadowโ€™ has always been more up-to-date than all the other homes and Gowanlea is a small home with friendly staff and residents."

CCH-Icon Total Residents

Total residents - 12

Living Apartments

Independent Living Apartments - 2

CCH Icon Residential/Respite


CCH Icon Single/Double Rooms

Single/Double Rooms

CCH Icon Ensuite Rooms

Ensuite Rooms

Living Apartments

Ground Floor Bedrooms - 5

CCH Icon Local GP

Local GP

CCH Icon Visiting district Nurse

Visiting District Nurse

CCH Icon Visiting Chiropodist

Visiting Chiropodist

CCH Icon Activities/Wellbeing team

Activities/Wellbeing Team

CCH Icon Activities Programme

Activities Programme

CCH Icon Places Of Interest

Outings to places of interest

CCH Icon Minibus


CCH Icon Hairdresser


CCH Icon Residents Shop

Residents' Shop

CCH Icon Welfare Committee

Welfare Committee

CCH Icon Communal Areas

Communal Areas

CCH Icon Communal Lounge

Communal Lounge

CCH Icon Laundry Facillities

Residents' Laundry Facilities

CCH Icon Conservatory


CCH Icon Communal Gardens

Communal Gardens

CCH Icon Outdoor Seating

Outdoor Seating

CCH Icon Parking

Parking - Residents/Visitors

CCH Icon Amenities

Close to Amenities

Here at Gowanlea, a programme of outings to places of beauty or interest, to coffee shops and garden centres is organised throughout the year. Our minibus enables a large number of residents to travel together. In-house events are also enjoyed on a regular basis, such as slideshows, art classes, indoor gardening, films and musical evenings to name but a few. Gowanlea is a fun and fulfilling home-from-home.

Duty of Candour Report

All health and social care services in Scotland have a duty of candour. This is a legal requirement which means that when things go wrong and mistakes happen, the people affected understand what has happened, receive an apology, and that our organisation learns how to improve for the future.

An important part of this duty is that we provide an annual report about the duty of candour in our services. This short report describes how our care service has operated the duty of candour during the time between 1 April 2023 and 31 March 2024. We hope you find this report useful.
How many incidents happened to which the duty of candour applies?
In the last year, there have been no incidents to which the duty of candour applied.

Information about our policies and procedures
Where something has happened that triggers the duty of candour, our staff report this to the care home manager who has responsibility for ensuring that the duty of candour procedure is followed. The manager records the incident and reports as necessary to the Care Inspectorate. When an incident has happened, the manager and staff set up a learning review. This allows everyone involved to review what happened and identify changes for the future. All new staff learn about the duty of candour at their induction. We know that serious mistakes can be distressing for staff as well as people who use our care services and their families. We support our staff if they have been affected by a duty of candour incident. Where families are affected by the duty of candour, we endeavour to provide support as appropriate. If you would like more information about Gowanlea, please contact: Fiona Whittaker, Home Manager | 01786 811460 

Rated by the Care Inspectorate

We regulate and inspect care services in Scotland to make sure that they meet the right standards. We also jointly inspect with other regulators to check how well different organisations in local areas work to support adults and children. You can find out more about each of the care services that we regulate by clicking our logo.
01786 811460
01786 811460
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